Arno Capital Limited (ACL)

Investment company focused on direct private equity investments.
ACL has its own investment criteria and governance:

  • Quality companies and quality management with revenue and positive EBITDA (adjusted for growth) that can compound their earnings rapidly.
  • Investment decisions are made by the Board of directors of ACL. The directors are Mari-Liis Rumpff, Petros Petrides and Christos Mitsingas. 

Thés de la Pagode

Paris-based mission-driven tea distribution company with high sustainability standards and proprietary technology in the development of health and well-being focused products.

Club Français du Livre (CFL)

The CFL is the group’s Paris-based subsidiary focusing on earlier stage and growth investments, companies with recurring revenue and/or exceptional potential.

CFL is run by its own investment committee on which Vanessa Aubry, CFA represents SFA.  Other members are Louis Negre and Patrick de Chassey.